Monday 18 August 2014

There can be only ONE DIRECTION <=*=>

We have an interesting job.  
Explain and describe exactly which direction aBSYNTh of dEAThTM is going.  
As per the title of this post, we've discovered that there can be only ONE DIRECTION in which this collective to flow.  This was meant to be literal as well as sarcastic, considering that many humans fail to see that they need not concern themselves with silly instrumentalists and songsters.  

To give you a better idea of what we are suggesting, we have to take you back quite a while... we won't say exactly how long, but I assure you, your guesses will fall short.

In the current paradigm, most humans assume that their sensory input, at least as much of it as they are aware of is all there is surrounding them.  Of course most know there is a vast planet full of abundance and tasty mangoes as well as a Solar System and UniVerse which encompasses us all.

What we see IS REAL as well as ILLUSION.  It is this paradox which actually possesses our beloved label president and founder; aBSYNTh of dEAThTM frontman, (I know he's watching so I'm being a kiss-ass haha) Mordichai to wear a "pair o' Docs" in the most perfect of moments.

The way the group handles their affairs is unlike that of most others we assume.  In order to fulfill their destiny in the Magical Land of Entertainment, they've had to embark on a journey worthy of prizes above material wealth.

It isn't a secret that Mordichai is a Shaman in the Celtic Tradition, or that he's a Wiccan High Priest who reads tarot cards as well as expresses an unhealthy love for UniVersal disarmament coupled with non-violent conflict resolution methods imparted upon the souls who insist on not dropping their weapons or their ego.  He also enjoys quantum mechanics and theoretical physics, but draws the line at long walks on beaches.  I know this seems to be like the beginning of a dating advertisement, I assure you it is not.

My point is this.  Mordichai, and the gang we'll call them, walk through the in between spaces which nobody seems to believe exist.  Perhaps this is the reason that since the very-much delayed release of their debut album (Bootlegs for Baccaus) or Return of the Lizard King, they've delayed the second LP titled asperations of Gold and have only released the single 3nd Seen, a very blatant take on current social, economic and political as well as military indifference and injustice.

All in all, the studio is still filled with the sounds of the eclectic band members' instruments and voices.  

As for the reason behind the directional statement, according to quantum physics, the only direction for aBSYNTh of dEAThTM appears to be wherever YOU, the observer sees them.

Sunday 17 August 2014

The Real aBSYNTh of dEATh Blog



Okay so it isn't a lot, but it's something.  You know we don't care for the press too much.  Not that we don't find great coverage of real issues from time to time, but you have to admit, there is a lot of bias going on out there.  Which is exactly why our gracious, loving, caring family at Mordichai Music (& everything) UniVerse have presented this universe and it's interlacing dimensions with this simple, humble blog.
You see, the Mordichai Music (& everything) UniVerse Family really do care about the artists which they represent, produce, and even hang out with.  We really are a family here.  Special kind of family, though family nonetheless.
So now one need not concern oneself with frivolous and daunting tasks of  further investigating and inquiring of the whereabouts (though we still may not tell.... shhh) and goings on of the fine characters whom are lovingly known as aBSYNTh of dEATh.
Stand by.  Subscribe, or whatever it is that you feel you may need to do to prepare for the coming of the Phoenix...